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Unlock Your best volleyball with Game Ready

"GAME READY" is a scientifically based process to get you “in the zone" and help you stay there longer.

If you want to play volleyball at your best, you need to be "GAME READY"!

What's Included:

1 Volleyball Specific Game Ready Recording designed to prepare you mentally for every match and practice.


We have some incredible online coaching packages that are guaranteed to improve your game with our proven GAME READY process




Choose from 11 Game Ready Recordings comprising over 120 minutes of mindset coaching

Listen on-demand before every match and every practice (takes approx. 10 mins)

Select customized recordings for specific position and skill focus




One live personalized Game Ready (recorded and added to your portal for on-demand use)

Choose from 11 Game Ready Recordings comprising over 120 minutes of mindset coaching

Listen on-demand before every match and every practice (takes approx. 10 mins)

Select customized recordings for specific position and skill focus




Everything from Game Ready Custom Package

Plus monthly group coaching calls with VBMindsetter to get the most out of the program




One live personalized Game Ready (recorded and added to your portal for on-demand use)

Choose from 11 Game Ready Recordings comprising over 120 minutes of mindset coaching

Listen on-demand before every match and every practice (takes approx. 10 mins)

Select customized recordings for specific position and skill focus



Everything from Game Ready Custom Package

Plus monthly group coaching calls with VBMindsetter to get the most out of the program


Contact Me

Custom Packages for clubs

Custom one-on-one mental performance coaching

Custom Packages for HS teams

GAME READY, is the method used to get pro volleyball players

ready to perform on game day at their highest levels.

It’s a visualization technique developed over the years to help “get in the zone” and stay there longer. Now, GAME READY is available for you!

GAME READY is a tool you can use to focus on what’s really important. It’s a way to reconnect to your real intentions and objectives at a moment’s notice – allowing you to react and respond quicker in an instant, handle difficult challenges with ease, breathe calmly when the pressure is on, and stay in control and composed at all times.

Why it works: Game Ready isn't just about getting psyched up; it's about creating the mental conditions for flow state naturally. Our guided visualization helps you silence doubts, focus on your process, and step onto the court with renewed clarity and strength.


Find greater focus allowing you to commit more power into every swing.


Lock in coaching techniques to increase your blocking ability.


Elevate your passing game by increasing your vision and freedom.


Dial in your focus on very specific intentions.


Heighten your awareness to slow the game down and see more clearly.


Use your coach’s techniques and lock them in at game time.


Shift pregame jitters into positive energy.


Control your thoughts and emotions to eliminate outside noise.


Find greater focus allowing you to commit more power into every swing.


Lock in coaching techniques to increase your blocking ability.


Elevate your passing game by increasing your vision and freedom.


Dial in your focus on very specific intentions.


Heighten your awareness to slow the game down and see more clearly.


Use your coach’s techniques and lock them in at game time.



Shift pregame jitters into positive energy.


Control your thoughts and emotions to eliminate outside noise.


Josh Brecheisen is a renowned national speaker, entrepreneur, and Extreme Focus coach. Josh played volleyball at BYU and was a part of the 2004 national championship team. He coached with Gold Medal Squared and has experience coaching both boys' and girls' volleyball at the high school and club levels.

Known as the Volleyball Mindsetter, Josh is a high-performance mindset coach who works with professional, collegiate, and youth players. He utilizes his signature Game Ready pre-game mental performance technique to help athletes achieve peak performance. Josh's unique approach and dedication have made him a trusted mentor in the volleyball community, empowering players to reach their highest potential.


“I felt more calm and focused in between points. I was able to think more clearly as I waited for the serve. I could see myself hitting the ball around various blocks and it helped me be more ready for many scenarios. I was hyper aware of trying to pounce at any opening I saw in the block quickly. I also was able to really block better. Having that cobra mentality of wanting to pounce and strike in an instance made me feel like I could react quicker.”

– Chris Brecheisen, Former Collegiate Volleyball Player at University of Pacific and Adult Open Player

“Working with Josh has helped my daughter to perform at higher levels – hitting harder, being more on point, and focusing on what she can control. Her performance is no longer dictated by her emotions and what’s going on with the coaches, the other players, or the environment around her. Most importantly, the tools Josh gives her to do the Game Ready are carrying over to day to day life. My daughter believes in herself again and can see her own value. That’s worth more to me than any other coaching out there.”

– Mandi Kerr, Volleyball parent, club coach and former player at the University of Wyoming

“As I continue to grow my level and climb professional leagues I’m always looking for different edges outside of the court to bring back on to the court. I’ve used different visualization techniques before, but with time they’ve all become stale. Not the Game Ready. I love the Game Ready and working with Josh because it’s uplifting me especially on the days where I don’t feel at my best and making sure I’m great day after day.”

– Dustin Watten, USA Men’s National Volleyball Team and Polish club GKS Katowice

“I’m playing some of the best volleyball of my life this year! The only major change I have made has been implementation of the Game Ready and Josh’s system. Adding this mental training into my pre-match routine has been giving me such crazy results this year and I know it’s going to help me continue to improve exponentially throughout my pro career! I can’t recommend working with Josh enough. It’s an absolute game changer!”

– Josh Ayzenberg, Professional Volleyball Player with Finnish club Savo Volley and member of Team USA

“Thank you Josh! Your Game Ready really gets me engaged and in the game! I’m playing so much better and my coach actually has me starting now.”

– Madisyn Rucker, High School and Youth Club Volleyball Player

“Katy played so well after doing the Game Ready with you, Josh. Her coach said be a lion and things got done!!”

“Yeah, and her digs won the last match!”

– Steve and Alicia Smith, Parents of a Youth Club Volleyball Player


– Dustin Watten, USA Men’s National Volleyball Team and Polish club GKS Katowice

“As I continue to grow my level and climb professional leagues I’m always looking for different edges outside of the court to bring back on to the court. I’ve used different visualization techniques before, but with time they’ve all become stale. Not the Game Ready. I love the Game Ready and working with Josh because it’s uplifting me especially on the days where I don’t feel at my best and making sure I’m great day after day.”

– Josh Ayzenberg, Professional Volleyball Player with Finnish club Savo Volley and member of Team USA

“I’m playing some of the best volleyball of my life this year! The only major change I have made has been implementation of the Game Ready and Josh’s system. Adding this mental training into my pre-match routine has been giving me such crazy results this year and I know it’s going to help me continue to improve exponentially throughout my pro career! I can’t recommend working with Josh enough. It’s an absolute game changer!”

– Mandi Kerr, Volleyball parent, club coach and former player at the University of Wyoming

“Working with Josh has helped my daughter to perform at higher levels – hitting harder, being more on point, and focusing on what she can control. Her performance is no longer dictated by her emotions and what’s going on with the coaches, the other players, or the environment around her. Most importantly, the tools Josh gives her to do the Game Ready are carrying over to day to day life. My daughter believes in herself again and can see her own value. That’s worth more to me than any other coaching out there.”

– Chris Brecheisen, Former Collegiate Volleyball Player at University of Pacific and Adult Open Player

“I felt more calm and focused in between points. I was able to think more clearly as I waited for the serve. I could see myself hitting the ball around various blocks and it helped me be more ready for many scenarios. I was hyper aware of trying to pounce at any opening I saw in the block quickly. I also was able to really block better. Having that cobra mentality of wanting to pounce and strike in an instance made me feel like I could react quicker.”

– Madisyn Rucker, High School and Youth Club Volleyball Player

“Thank you Josh! Your Game Ready really gets me engaged and in the game! I’m playing so much better and my coach actually has me starting now.”

– Steve and Alicia Smith, Parents of a Youth Club Volleyball Player

“Katy played so well after doing the Game Ready with you, Josh. Her coach said be a lion and things got done!!”

“Yeah, and her digs won the last match!”

Are You Ready to Elevate Your Game?

Experience the difference today with our free Game Ready recording. Start your journey towards peak performance and discover how you can play like a pro. Ready to take it further? Explore our additional packages for personalized coaching and exclusive resources.


We have some incredible online coaching packages that are guaranteed to improve your

game with our proven GAME READY process. Monthly. Commitment-free. Upgrade and downgrade at any time.





How do I make the most of any package?

Listen to one Game Ready recording before any play - practices or matches.

Can I cancel anytime? 

Yes. All packages are month to month. Simply cancel inside your account or message us for support.

What if I want to keep my recordings but I don’t need mindset coaching right now?

You can maintain access by dropping down to the Beginner package.

What languages are the Game Ready recordings available in?

English (Custom Game Readys also available in Portuguese)

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